Nathan Ewing
Nathan Ewing
Year: Sr.
Hometown: Tecumseh, Mich.
High School: Tecumseh

2023-24: Appeared in four events…recorded a season-high game average of 185.25 at The Boilermaker Classic (Oct. 31)...totaled a season-average of 170.63. 

2022-23: Appeared in four events…recorded a season-high game average of 191 at WHAC Three (Dec. 11)...totaled a season-average of 165.12.

2021-22: Appeared in five events…made his collegiate debut at WHAC One (Oct. 2)…recorded a season-high game average of 182 at WHAC Two on (Oct. 16)...totaled a season-average of 160.14. 

Personal: Nursing Major...born in Adrian, Mich., on July 28, 2003...son of Rob and Kathie Ewing.